This quilled pansy design is available as a PDF download. These quilled pansies are made using Delightfully Edgy 3mm quilling strips and they measure about two inches across. This flower design is three layers thick giving plenty of room for leaves or overlapping flowers in your design. This pattern used the color combination of purple and yellow, but pansies come in a variety of colors so have fun with your color combinations!
Supplies needed for this design:
1. Delightfully Edgy 3mm quilling paper in: Purple, Lavender, Pale Yellow and Hunter Green
2. Quilling needle
3. Glue
4. Circle guide with mm sizes: 8, 16, 30, 40
5. Cork work board, or other board that allows you to use pins to secure pieces
6. Pins
7. Parchment paper or waxed paper
8. Tweezers
These quilled pansies are made using Delightfully Edgy 3mm quilling strips and they measure about two inches across. This flower design is three layers thick giving plenty of room for leaves or overlapping flowers in your design. This pattern used the color combination of purple and yellow.
Downloadable PDF pattern includes:
Detailed instructions on how to create the pansies with alternate color combination suggestions
An introduction to quilled shapes
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