This woven snowflake design is available as a PDF download or as a kit. This snowflake is made by weaving quilling paper strips in a basic over under weave style. This design can be made with any width of paper. The narrower the strip, the smaller the snowflake will be, wider strips create a larger flake. This pattern is made with Delightfully Edgy 3mm quilling paper strips and will make a snowflake about 4 inches across. Some information on woven tip variations is also included.
Supplies needed for this design:
1. Delightfully Edgy 3mm quilling paper
2. Ruler
3. Glue
4. scissors
5. Cork work board, or other board that allows you to use pins to secure pieces
6. Pins
7. Parchment paper or waxed paper
This snowflake is made by weaving quilling paper strips in a basic over under weave style. This design can be made with any width of paper. The narrower the strip, the smaller the snowflake will be, wider strips create a larger snowflake.
Downloadable PDF pattern includes:
Detailed instructions on how to create the woven snowflake
Grid page for weaving
The quilling kit for this design includes:
Detailed instructions on how to create the woven snowflake
Grid page for weaving
Delightfully Edgy 3mm quilling paper strips: Cream
*This pattern is not for resale, but feel free to sell your creations.
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